

主演:松冈祯丞 原由实 诹访彩花 内田彩 佐仓绫音 日笠阳子 柚木 

导演:锦织博 吉田俊司 上原秀明 浅利藤彰 小平麻纪 佐藤清光 二宫壮史 佐佐木纯人 

标签:七人魔法使 七人 小圣 崩坏 学园 全集 时而 

更新:2023-12-25 04:12:32








There are a variety of different types of computer networks, including: 1. Local Area Network (LAN): This type of network is limited to a small geographic area, typically within a single building or campus. 2. Wide Area Network (WAN): This type of network spans a larger geographic area and connects multiple LANs, often across different cities or countries. 3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): This type of network falls somewhere in between a LAN and WAN, covering a larger geographic area than a LAN but not as large as a WAN. 4. Personal Area Network (PAN): This type of network connects devices in a person's immediate vicinity, such as a smartphone connecting to a smartwatch. 5. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): This type of network uses wireless technology to connect devices to a LAN, often through a Wi-Fi router. 6. Storage Area Network (SAN): This type of network is designed specifically for the transfer and storage of data, often used in large enterprises for data storage and management. 7. Campus Area Network (CAN): This type of network is designed for use on university or college campuses, connecting multiple buildings and departments. 8. Virtual Private Network (VPN): This type of network uses encryption and tunneling to allow users to connect to a private network over a public network, such as the internet. 9. Intranet: This is a private network that is only accessible to employees within a specific organization. 10. Extranet: This is a private network that allows external parties, such as partners or customers, to access some parts of an organization's network.